Our top 3 Instagram tips for charities

Although a staggering 1 billion people are now on TikTok, there are still more people than that using Instagram daily, mainly in the 18-35 age range.

So how can charities make the most of it? Here are our top 3 tips:

1. Make full use of short-form videos to expand your reach and inspire people to action. The head of Instagram, Adam Moserri, recently explained that the algorithm is geared more towards showing people reels, making these a strategic thing to focus on.

2. Look at the tone of the copy that accompanies your post. We all value meaningful conversations. Social media is social, so does the copy come across as if you were speaking to a friend or someone you care for? Making your Instagram account sound more human is a great way to appear more engaged with your followers, and build trust and brand loyalty.

3. Avoid using stock photos to illustrate your point. It doesn’t look original! Today there are so many diverse ways to feature people within a post. For example, if you want to encourage people to fundraise for your charity with a cake and coffee event, you could try using an illustration instead, or a graphic from Canva design – something a bit more creative and eyecatching.


Need a bit of expert help getting your reels up to scratch? Get in touch with our team to enquire about social media strategy, management or eyecatching content.


10 tips for DIY video content


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